Energy Modellers = Quality Control Check

It may not be the theory of relativity, but we think this equation is pretty important for building projects with an energy modeller on the team.  In this article, we consider the value of having an energy modeller on your project, and discuss the 3rd party review that they inherently bring to the design process. 

PDF version here.

Complexity: Beginner


Every energy model must be prepared by an energy modeller, who figures out how the building works from the drawings and specifications, builds and simulates the model within the software, and then post-processes and summarizes the results in a report.  However, beyond preparing the model and report, an experienced modeller will also bring value to the project through:

Design & drawing review

Sometimes the biggest question with a design is not based on what is shown on the drawings, but what isn’t.  The modeller is a member of the design team who wants the project to succeed.  So if we find errors, inconsistencies, or simply ask for more clarity in the drawings or specifications issued by the consultants, we can work with them directly to resolve any issues.  This can save time and money over finding problems in the construction stage.

Asking the right questions during design (not construction)

Since energy modellers need to get a full picture of the building’s final operation, we often ask operational questions early in the design stage.  Answering these questions earlier in the design process can bring help bring clarity to the design as it progresses, and result in higher quality construction drawings.

Offering a different perspective

There are often dozens of ways to solve an engineering problem.  An experienced modeller will bring to the table their own history of projects with their successes and challenges.  This will enhance the project team's experience, leading to a better end product.

What does this mean for your projects?

Having an energy modeller on the team can bring additional quality control to the table, help reduce questions during the construction period saving time and money, and enhance the overall energy efficiency of the final product.  While this doesn’t mean that all projects require an energy modeller, if you’re lucky enough to have one, be sure to use us to our full potential!



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